Jul 15, 2019
Whether you are getting ready to design a pond or evaluating the one that is currently in your yard, you probably have many questions. Depending on which expert you ask about pond design, you will probably get a plethora of different answers. There is more than one way to do many things that go into designing and...
Jul 11, 2019
What tops off that natural waterscape that you just had put in your yard? Why not some more nature? Mark MJ Wilson, The Pond Advisor, is back in the studio today to discuss how to attract wildlife and different species that may come to your pond. There are many misconceptions that surround different species that are...
Jul 8, 2019
You can’t just toss a waterscape in the middle of your yard or next to your house and hope that it fits. The whole scene just doesn’t look natural until you’ve made sure that one fits right in with the other. Mark MJ Wilson, The Pond Advisor, is in the house today to talk about blending the lines between your...
Jul 4, 2019
Have you noticed that you are losing more Koi as time is going on? Well then, this is the podcast for you. Today, Eric is talking to The Central California Koi Society and The Bakersfield Koi & Water Garden Society about optimizing pond design for Koi health. This is a tricky topic because most people listening to this...