Apr 29, 2022
Eric Twigg joins Eric and shares his experiences in the pond digging industry, what it’s like to go ultra viral on TikTok, and why he just keeps it real and is all about more fish!
Eric shares his insight on:
Apr 25, 2022
Listen to Eric’s recent interview with Laura Reale on the Landscape Marketing Secrets Podcast, where he shares his experiences with TikTok, how to leverage TikTok as a business owner, and why TikTok doesn’t have to be scary!
Eric shares his insight on:
Apr 8, 2022
Brian Fitzimmons recalls how he persevered even after losing his growing business to a fire, and what it takes to successfully manage multiple stores, be the exclusive importer for a major brand, and own over 100 acres for his business…
Eric shares his insight on: